
Technical details - overview

World of Rogues game is created using the Unity game engine. Initially the only platform supported will be the browser on PCs. The mobile version of the game is coming later in the year. Login to the game can be done via either a standard email login (NEW), MetaMask wallet (Polygon) or NEAR wallet.

Login support

The game supports both Polygon (Metamask) and NEAR wallets.

However, non-web3 players are also able to login via a simple email login, supported by Sequence.

Built in Unity

World of Rogues is built on top of the Unity game engine. Since Unity can build for many different platforms, this gives us the flexibility to expand to other platforms in the future.

The game is currently browser-focused as this enables us to iterate quickly and build the game along with our community using lean principles.

Rogues is also a 2D focused game enabling a small team to create many more assets than would be possible in a 3D game. The 2D in-game animations utilise Unityโ€™s 2D skeletal rigging pipeline to enable a wide variety of characters to share animations but swap out body parts dependent on traits derived from the character NFTs.

The multiplayer aspects of the game are initially on Photon, since this is an industry standard but may move to the new Unity multiplayer solution as that matures.

Item drops will be handled by our Node.js back-end and the Polygon blockchain. Using Polygon means that players will enjoy both lower gas fees and faster transactions than if the game was built directly on ethereum. We're also working on creating in-game items on NEAR.

Last updated